
Site-to-Site VPN Setup

Finally got around to re-installing routers at home and in the office.

I had a really nice setup running Open-WRT on a pair of Linksys WRT54G's for a few years.

But when One of the routers died, I thought it would be a good time to upgrade to newer 802.11n wireless, and maybe get some attached storage as well.

I ended up get a Netgear WNR3500L, the (Ahem) open-source router.
I also had an extra WRTSL54GS lying around which could go to the office since wireless is infrequently used there and speed is not an issue.

As long as I was re-installing everything, I thought that surveying the latest developments.
Thnigs haven't dramatically changed, although everything seems to have gotten incrementally better and easier.

I ended up choosing the Tomato v-1.28 distro, actualy, a rebuilt version of it which has both openvpn and usb-storge support all ready to go.

I managed to bring up a site to site vpn setup using only the GUI. Although key generation was done on an ubuntu machine (and the certificated pasted in the GUI).

Note goedel:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys,goedel:/etc/openvpn/vars

The VPN came up right away, but to see the network on the client side, I had to follow these instructions.

VPN-Server-Config / Server1 / Advanced :
check: Manage Client-Specific Options
and enable push to rd-client|

Note gotta archive

export EDITOR=mvim



$> vimtutor

or copy the file:/usr/share/vim/vim72/tutor/tutor
 and mvim it.

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Moved Back to Blogspot

Here we go.

Missed a few images: fixed by hand.
had to restore goedel:/home/daniel/sulbalcon.net-daniel.tgz
into newton:/Library/WebServer/Documents/daniel[/blog]
newton:blog daniel$ for i in uploaded_images/*; do echo ====================;echo $i; echo -------; grep -rl $i .; done|grep -v archive.html|grep -v atom.xml|grep -v rss.xml|sed -e s/.\\/20/http:\\/\\/localhost\\/daniel\\/blog\\/20/g|grep http|uniq -c
   2 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2005/11/moire-3d-dome-pov-ray.html
   6 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2006/08/galo-on-drupal-and-gallery2.html
   4 http://localhost/daniel/blog/2007/10/bucky-moire-revisited-wide-169.html
So these are fixed:


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Ubuntu - Debian Package Management

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