
BFM Screenplay

Music - Philip Glass Einstein on the beach
Fade -
Can you see it.
Moiré -> Etymology ->
[ Textile Texture Architecture Structure Rythm ]
Zoom out - Rendered Moiré
Observe Moiré (flat because close, translucid)
Loose outer Dome ( C,S radius -> ∞; D ->0) (Loose outer, instead of inner to preserve rotation)
Discreet blend from F=45(30),..,3(6), and back to 24. (to see structure)
Bring back outer dome from infinity D->1.015, C,S in 0.0001 ->0.01 -> Opaque

- Study Feature Matrix [blend]

Fade to black
Can you build it.
Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller
(July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983)

Fade to credits - Abel, Boole, Carnot, Dirac, Euler, Feynman, Goedel,...
Thanks to POV-Ray, Dome, Linux, Imagemagick,...

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