
mp3 cover art and tagger

Linux & Windows Tagger

Cover Art:
Gotcha covered is for windows,

but for linux

[root@abel mp3]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Image::Info SOAP::Lite

[daniel@abel media]$ tar xzvf amazon_image-1.5.4.tar.gz
[daniel@abel media]$ cd amazon_image-1.5.4
daniel@abel media]$ ./make_cover.pl -p /usr/local/slimserver/ -m /archive/media/mp3/ -i FOlder.jpg
Beyond media wants that name !


Zabbix re-born

Put zabbix back on its feet.
-reduce the frequency of polled data
down to 5 minutes ( 15 would break slave rule. )
-add new hosts
viau, wdel, unique (btna)

check history table on zabbix database on rack3:

select m.host, count(*) as num from history h left join items i on i.itemid=h.itemid left join hosts m on i.hostid=m.hostid where h.clock>unix_timestamp(now() - INTERVAL 10 minute) group by m.hostid;

new infrastructure heatbeat.