
iperf setup and results

Link to iperf home page http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf/
Server side: ./iperf -s
Client side: ./iperf -c

./iperf -s -P 0 -i 1 -p 5001 -l 8K -f m -t 10

./iperf -c

aria has a linksys EG1032
lascala has an onboard NVidia nForce Gbe
cantor has a Trendnet TEG-PCITXR (RTL-8169)
piaget has a D-Link DGE-530T

Results (lascala was busy.. redo, and add openfiler)
cantor-lascala: 418 Mbits/sec
lascala-lascala: 594 Mbits/sec
cantor-cantor: 2.25 Gbits/sec
aria-aria: 637 Mbits/sec
lascala-aria: 251 Mbits/sec
aria-cantor: 453 Mbits/sec
cantor-aria: 538 Mbits/sec


transcode re-encode mp3 with lame

Doin this to shrink collection for Sylvie'e iPod.

yum install lame
yum install id3lib

# make parallel directory structure
find -type d -exec mkdir ../mp3_128/{} \;
# do actual transcoding
find -type f -name \*mp3 -exec
lame -b 128 --mp3input {} ../mp3_128/{} \;
# and now id3cp -1 -2 (necessaru caus lame does not bring over id3 tags
find -type f -name \*mp3 -exec id3cp -1 -2 {} ../mp3_128/{} \;

-=-= dual Core 2 = 4 cores ::
To accelerate on dual core 2 machines, manually split into 4(5) source directories, all of which encode to same mp3_128 target dfirectory.